New International Consensus Criteria for M.E., Journal of Internal Medicine, October 2011

October 4, 2011

We reported on 22 July that the Journal of Internal Medicine had published an online draft of new International Consensus Criteria for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis that had been signed off by 25 doctors and scientists working in the field.

The document has now been proof-read and has been made available through the Journal of Internal Medicine to read in its final form. To download the pdf of the final version (which runs to 12 pages), please click HERE.

2 thoughts on “New International Consensus Criteria for M.E., Journal of Internal Medicine, October 2011”

  1. This is truly good news and such a welcome antiodote to the recent barrage of CBT/graded exercise promotion.
    Such prestigious work surely HAS to hold a lot of weight and influence; will we at last see the tide turn permanently towards the real, undeniable and provable facts about ME and its effects and causes, and an end to the 25 year old recycling of the same old stuff about inactivity, negative beliefs etc., etc?
    The publication of this wonderful document certainly goes a long way to explaining just why the psychs have recently been throwing quite so many toys out of the pram….it really threatens their entrenched beliefs, and it certainly adds weight to the case for the withdrawal of the PACE trial.

  2. The NHS & NICE guidelines must be changed to incorperate this well researched ICC, it cannot be ignored, to do so is medical neglect of which we have suffered for years.
    My doctor was happy to recieve a copy, education is needed not ignorance.

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